Drake Varn

Drake Varn

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covid-19, Value-Based Reimbursement

Is Covid-19 Accelerating Value-Based Reimbursement (VBR) Adoption?

Covid-19 negatively impacted healthcare facilities around the country, and CMS altered reimbursement rates for 2021. With margins thinning rapidly, how can facilities maintain anything close to pre-pandemic profitability?

  • Drake Varn
    Drake Varn
4 min read
Transparency, relatableexplains

Structured medical device data.

What is it? Where does it come from? And why do we need it?

  • Drake Varn
    Drake Varn
5 min read
Transparency, Medical Devices, Business Intelligence, Software, ASCs

ASCs & Discounts on Devices

Bain & Company's research suggests that surgeons at ASCs are more likely to change medical devices than their peers within hospital settings.

  • Drake Varn
    Drake Varn
4 min read
Transparency, Medical Devices, Antibiotic-resistance

Antibiotic resistance & medical devices

Have you or someone you know experienced an antimicrobial resistant infection? The most common is MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), and this type of threatening infection is on the rise nationwide.

  • Drake Varn
    Drake Varn
2 min read
Transparency, Medical Devices, Software

Physician Preference Items, PPI

Beginning in 2012, average year-over-year hospital costs have grown at a rate exceeding revenue growth. Pressure to maintain healthcare spending continues to intensify and supply chain costs have reached an all-time high.

  • Drake Varn
    Drake Varn
2 min read
Transparency, Medical Devices, Software

Win for patient safety: FDA no longer hiding harmful medical device reports

The FDA’s Alternative Summary Reporting Program allowed inefficient reporting of injuries and deaths caused by medical device malfunction, and hid decades worth of important device data from doctors and the public.

  • Drake Varn
    Drake Varn
4 min read
Transparency, Medical Devices, Business Intelligence

Healthcare IT: Signs of Improvement!

Modern technology has revolutionized countless industries over the last few decades including finance, retail, automobiles, and even Major League Baseball.

  • Drake Varn
    Drake Varn
4 min read
Transparency, Medical Devices, LastWeekTonight

John Oliver & medical devices

Did you catch this past Sunday’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on HBO?

  • Drake Varn
    Drake Varn
4 min read