Relatable Blog

Antibiotic resistance & medical devices

Written by Drake Varn | 11/26/19 8:05 PM

Have you or someone you know experienced an antimicrobial resistant infection? The most common is MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), and this type of threatening infection is on the rise nationwide.

This week the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) published a report which analyzed longitudinal infection data over multiple years. The results suggest that healthcare-associated infections (infections resulting from treatment of another medical issue) are much more likely to be antimicrobial resistant in procedures involving medical devices.

More specifically, the study found that Staph infections resulting from procedures with medical devices are 7% more likely to be resistant to antimicrobials. Another common bacterium, Enterococcus faecium, displayed 27% higher rates of antimicrobial resistance compared with the same bacteria in procedures that did not involve medical devices or implants.

Some medical devices and implants contain antibacterial structure or coating to help ward off infection post-surgery. But do physicians, nurses, and patients know which devices are antibacterial? Are they adjusting operating room procedures and processes to account for non-antibacterial devices? The most typical answer is “no” to both questions.

At Relatable Healthcare, we have taken a data-centric approach to medical device purchasing, education, and awareness within hospitals and surgery centers. The Relatable platform breaks down each medical device or implant into applicable characteristics and data points such as: True or False - does this device contain antibiotic coating?

With Relatable’s help, surgeons, nurses, administrators, and supply purchasers are all able to quickly search for, identify, and compare medical devices based on specific characteristics and verified data. This knowledge can help a surgery center develop device specific protocols to minimize the chance of post-surgical infections.

Relatable Healthcare was founded with the intention of helping hospitals and surgical centers properly compare and purchase medical devices, thus lowering the cost of surgery to both the facility and patients. Concurrently, Relatable offers immense value to facilities through education and useful knowledge of medical devices and implants helping prevent complications like post-surgical infection.

If you would like to read more about the NHSN’s report, here are some helpful links:

Medical devices bigger culprit in antibiotic-resistant infections than surgical procedures
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria more prevalent in device-related infections

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